Dar Al Omran Badran

Dar Al Omran Badran


Dar Al Omran Badran has posted 3 jobs

Dar Al Omran Badran

Dar Al Omran Badran

About Us

Dar Al Omran Badran:

Since 1979, Dar Al Omran (DAO) has achieved sustained growth in the multidisciplinary fields of the built environment, driven by a commitment to investing in both people and technology. We are an integrated team of Planners, Architects, Designers, Engineers, Scientists, and Environmentalists dedicated to creating environments that foster socio-spatial relationships and cultural interaction. Our approach is grounded in the philosophy of Dr. Rasem Badran, our co-founder, whose teachings inspire us to design with humanity and sensitivity to the living environment. Over more than four decades, DAO has established a distinguished international presence, offering expertise in Urban Planning, Architecture, Interior and Landscape Design, and Engineering Consultancy. Our portfolio includes a diverse range of challenging projects across sectors, completed for local, regional, and international clients. DAO’s work is consistently guided by regional and international code standards and has been honored with numerous awards, including the Aga Khan Award, Tamayouz Lifetime Achievement Award, International Property Award, Cityscape Award, and The Green Era Award, among others.