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About Us

  1. General Background 


UNOPS supports the successful implementation of its partners’ peacebuilding, humanitarian and development projects around the world. Our mission is to serve people in need by expanding the ability of the United Nations, governments and other partners to manage projects, infrastructure and procurement in a sustainable and efficient manner. 


Working in some of the world’s most challenging environments, our vision is to advance sustainable implementation practices, always satisfying or surpassing our partners’ expectations. 


With over 7,000 personnel spread across 80 countries, UNOPS offers its partners the logistical, technical and management knowledge they need, wherever they need it. 


A flexible structure and global reach mean that we can quickly respond to our partners’ needs, while offering the benefits of economies of scale. 


Background Information – Peace and Security Cluster 


The UNOPS Peace and Security Cluster (PSC) is a principal service provider in the field of mine action with the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), UNDP, UNICEF, Governments of mine-affected countries and other mine action partners. The PSC is responsible to administer, provide support and oversight of the day-to-day management of the Project Field offices, both according to the client requirements and in line with UNOPS rules and regulations. It is headed by the Centre Director who has the overall authority and accountability for the performance of the Peace and Security Centre on behalf of its clients.  


Background Information – UNMAS


Established in 1997, UNMAS leads, coordinates and implements mine action under United Nations legislative mandates of both the General Assembly and the Security Council. UNMAS supports the UN’s vision of “a world free from the threat of mines,

explosive remnants of war (ERW) including cluster munitions, and improvised explosive devices (IEDs), where individuals and communities live in a safe environment conducive to sustainable peace and development where no one is left behind, where the human rights and the needs of victims are met and where they are fully integrated as equal members of their societies.” 


UNMAS is a unit within the Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions (OROLSI) within the Department of Peace Operations (DPO). UNMAS operates under UN legislative mandates of both the General Assembly and the Security Council, or at the request of the UN Secretary-General or his designated official. When instructed by the Security Council or called upon by Member States, UNMAS deploys under humanitarian, peace and security mandates. UNMAS main headquarters is in the UN Secretariat, New York with a sub-office in Geneva. UNMAS provides direct support and assistance in the areas of explosive ordnance threat mitigation to 18 countries/territories/missions, has a standby rapid response capacity and global technical advisors in the field of Improvised Explosive Devices and Weapons and Ammunition Management. As an office within DPO, UNMAS supports peacekeeping and special political missions in accordance with Security Council mandates.

Office Photos
